Text to Ticket
*Please note that text to ticket is not a live chat/support system. Once a ticket is created or updated, a representative will contact you as soon as possible.
When you text your issue, our system will look up your customer information based on the phone number you are texting from. If the system finds you or your company and there are no open tickets, a ticket is automatically created from the text you sent.

If you want to follow up on an open ticket, simply text your follow up and our system will check if you have open tickets. If the system finds open tickets, you will be asked whether you want your text to update an existing ticket or if it’s a new issue and you would like to create a new ticket. If you’re wanting to update an existing ticket, reply with just the ticket number of the relavent ticket, (sometimes there may be multiple) and that ticket will be updated with your text.

If the issue is a new one, simply reply NEW (in all caps) when given the choices, and a new ticket will be created from the text.